
2 minute read
  • Remove files that are listed in the .gitignore but still on the remote repository:

    # Remove the file(s) that you want to untrack from .gitignore
    # 1. Remove them with:
    git rm --cached file1 file2 dir/file3
    # Or, if you have a lot of files:
    git rm --cached `git ls-files -i --exclude-from=.gitignore`

    Here is the stackoverflow link for reference.

  • Quick way to create a branch and check it out in one line:

    git checkout -b branch1
  • Split git commit into multiple commits:

    Suppose you have a commit that and file1.txt have changes, and you want to split the commit into one with just and another with file1.txt.

    # 1. Run interactive rebase
    # Change `n` to appropriate number.
    # For example, if the commit is located in the second from HEAD,
    # then you would run `git rebase -i HEAD~2`
    # If it's the very first commit, then `git rebase -i --root`.
    git rebase -i HEAD~n
    # 2. pick -> edit
    # 3. git reset HEAD^
    # 4. Add, commit, and continue with `git rebase --continue`.
    # 5. Repeat until you are done splitting the commit.
    # 6. Force push?
  • List tracked files:

    git ls-files